Thursday, March 4, 2010

More Pictures from Food Distribution

We started the food distribution in May 2010. Originally it was in the fire house parking lot and we needed to set up a tent store. (See top photo). Originally the boxes of food came in and we just unloaded them and let people come and take food from the boxes. (see second from the top). We then moved to setting up tables, taking the food from the boxes, and sorting it out. This worked better. The next issue was that we had been getting food from the Christiansburg Walmart which included produce. We got switched to the Walmart in Fairlawn and no produce came. As you can see in the middle photo, we started getting bushels of potatoes from the garden started by First Harvest. This was great. These wonderful folks led by Lydia and Doug Warden were growing a garden specifically for the poor and had chosen us for their distribution point. It was a Godsend. Then Donna Peery sent word through Kayla one of our AmeriCorps VISTA members that we should sign up with the Society of Andrew's so could get the produce from Hillsville and other places. Once again, a Godsend. In the bottom two photos you see staff working to sort and bag the produce. In the bottom photo you see four AmeriCorps VISTAs the Beans and Rice. From left to right Valerie Badley in the head wrap, Vicki Brown seated back, Kayla Peery, and Laura Tuller. Behind Valerie you see the tent sitting waiting to go up. In front is Katherine a View worker with Radford City DSS. Over time we have gotten so much more organized. We constantly struggle to be fair to everyone without getting things too regimented. We also have to be mindful that we are guests at the fire house and not abuse our welcome. This distribution point is so well located for the target population and access for both delivery and "shoppers" is so good that we hope to be able to stay. A BIG BIG shout out to Lee Simpkins and the fire men.

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